From Dr. Carmen Ricos, on behalf o the SEQC-Analytical Quality Commission:
"Table of Quality specifications 13-09-2010
"Because of a requirement from various readers, data for Thyroglobulin have been revised together with one author of the two papers compiled. In this way, it has been seen that both papers used different units to express the within and between -subject coefficients of variation (CVI y CVG, respectively) , the fact that had not been realized when preparing our quality specifications table. Now, once all data are expressed in percentages, the values are: CVI= 14%, CVG=39% and consequently, the specifications are: imprecision (CV%)= 7.0, bias (SE%)= 10.4 and total error (TE%) = 21.9.
"We want to express our thanks to the readers for their help, as well as to apologize for the disturbances this error could have caused. Please, take the present revision of the Specifications table for further uses.
"Sincerely yours,
"SEQC- Analytical Quality Commission"
The biodatabase on Westgard Web has been updated to reflect this correction.
[A hat tip to the alert Westgard Web reader who saw the original entry and insistently asked a question - which prompted the Ricos group to double-check and ultimately correct an error. ]