Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
Here's what's new on Westgard Web:
Validating Qualitative Assays
While the protocols for method validation of quantitative assays are well-established, the studies required for qualitative assays are less well understood. Dr. Paulo Pereira, our new contributing editor, provides a needed overview of the validation requirements for qualitative tests.
Are we positive (or negative) that we know how to validate a qualitative method?
In case you missed it... Westgard and Westgard on YouTube
For those who weren't able to attend the Westgard and Westgard workshop at the AACC/ASCLS convention in Philadelphia, the video is now on YouTube. Here's your chance to see how many jokes my father can make at my expense.
Is it ever possible that your father will stop embarrassing you in public? So far I can only answer "NO"
A Sigma-metric analysis of an AU 5800.
Earlier this year, a Belgian laboratory performed a series of validation studies for the analytical performance verification of a Beckman Coulter AU 5800. The additional twist is that it compared two distinctly different instruments from the same vendor, an AU 5800 and a DxC Unicel.
Does buying all your instruments from the same manufacturer always guarantee the comparability of results?
Prodia Labs achieve Sigma Verification
The first laboratories in Indonesia - three of them, in fact - achieved Sigma Verification of their chemistry performance in November.
Prodia Laboratories Sigma Verification of Performance
Zhongshan Hospital achieves Sigma Verification
In November, the first hospital in Shanghai, Zhongshan Hospital, was able to receive the Verification of their Sigma performance, guided by the assistance of our local partner, QuaLab.
Zhongshan Hospital Sigma Verification of Performance