Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
Here's what's new on Westgard Web...
Still bothered by Bias
One of the perennial debates about quality is what to do about bias. Metrologists would prefer that it didn't exist. They want to stamp it out whenever and wherever it is found. It's a laudable mission, but what if the methods on the marketplace are currently unable to be standardized, harmonized, and/or calibrated so that the bias is pushed to zero? A recent Clinical Chemistry study found unacceptably large biases in 4 out of 5 common immunoassays: cobalamin, folate, ferritin, TSH, and Free T4.
When methods have major bias, are Sigma-metrics more forgiving?
AB...C. And Bias exists with Cortisol, too
Yet another study in Clinical Chemistry took a deep dive into the bias present in different patient cohorts for common Cortisol methods. When there are significant differences in males, females, (pregnant and non-pregnant), laboratories and clinicians need to make sure they don't make one judgment on a method when there are multiple dimensions to consider.
If Bias is Bad for females, but okay for males, should we accept the method? (Isn't that biased?)
INVITRO Labs achieves Sigma Verification
The first laboratory in Russia, INVITRO Labs headquartered in Moscow, achieved verification of their chemistry performance in early October.
INVITRO Laboratories Sigma Verification of Performance
Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital achieves Sigma Verification
In mid-October, the first hospital in China was able to receive their verification of Sigma performance. Located in Guiyang City of Guizhou Province, this hospital commenced work earlier this year and finished their training and verification in short order.
Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital Sigma Verification of Performance