Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
Quexit? TE-xit? or IQCP-exit?
Every so often reality delivers a vicious refute to the myth of continuous forward progress. Recent events have shown us there is always a very real possibility that countries and societies will choose instead to take a step backward. This is happening not only in the politics of the world, but even in the policies of our laboratories.
Are we moving forward or leaping backward in Quality?
IQCP: The Users Respond.
More than 200 labs responded to our survey on IQCP implementation. What was most striking was the difference between US labs and labs from around the rest of the world. There's a very big difference between the IQCPs here inside the US and those from the rest of the globe.
The US IQCP Survey Results
The Global IQCP Survey Results
The Survey Comments
Sigma metric analysis of Sysmex XN2000
We've been looking at a number of hematology instruments recently. It's time to take a closer look at one of the leading new instruments from Sysmex.
Hematology Sigma-metrics on a Sysmex XN 2000
Hematology State of the Art Performance Requirements
When Manufacturers Mislead
A recent white paper released by a major manufacturer contains at least one serious mistake. Or is it purposely misleading? When it comes to Sigma-metrics, can we trust manufacturers to tell us the truth?
When a manufacturer present Sigma-metrics, how do you verify that they have made the right calculations?
An Outside Review of an IQCP
We asked a group of IQCP experts to review our sample IQCP for a POC device from last month. What do you think they found?
Would you expect that a external review of your IQCP would find twice or three times as many hazards than you did?