Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
Here's what's new on Westgard Web this month:
Quality, Get thee to a nunnery
After a hiatus of 2 years, the 2016 Quality in the Spotlight conference reconvened in Antwerp at a critical moment. Some of the contentious issues confronting the Milan meeting were given broader discussion and a hopeful consensus appears to be emerging.
Quality in the Spotlight (at a former Nunnery in Antwerp)
A familial face wins the Antwerp Limerick contest!
Linda Thienpont wins the 2016 Westgard Award!!
Sigma-metrics for BC-3600
Completing our trio of analyses on the Mindray hematology instruments, we take a look at a study of the performance of the BC-3600.
The study authors conclude that this instrument's performance is "satisfactory." Do the Sigma-metrics agree?
Sigma-metrics for ... HBV?
Can we calculate Sigma-metrics for Molecular Diagnostic methods? Last year we published a paper discussing the application of this approach to viral load testing. Turns out, we weren't the first to do so. We came across an early example of calculating Sigma-metrics for an HBV method
Do the "Westgard Rules" apply to a quantitative molecular assay? Or is this method so good it doesn't need any rules?