Training Programs

  • Online courses, ready when you're ready to learn

    NEW! Risk Analysis Guidelines Analysis

    Get an overview of ISO standards 15189, 14971, and 22367 and CLSI guidelines EP18, EP22, and EP23. With Risk Management coming into medical laboratories, now is the time to learn these important Risk Analysis concepts recommended by these documents.

    Introduction to Risk Analysis

    New standards and guidelines for Quality are heading toward the lab, based on Risk Management principles. Learn all about them now.

    Quality Management and Design of Analytical Systems (An Introduction)

    Quality Planning and Design are part of a larger systems approach to analytical management. in this new six lesson course, participants will review current guidelines for quality and learn to use QC Design tools to customize their procedures and achieve the quality required by their tests.

    Basic QC Practices

    Our most popular course, covering the fundamentals of quality control in the laboratory.

    Basic Method Validation

    This course teaches all the experiments and calculations needed for a basic validation of a new instrument. Linearity, Reportable Range, Comparison of Methods, Correlation, Replication, Interference, Recovery, Detection Limit and Reference Range studies are explained and demonstrated. Educational online tools allow participants to enter data and view results immediately.

    Secrets of Method Validation Streaming Video course

    A short animated slide show, narrated by Dr. Westgard, explaining the Inner, Hidden, Deeper, Secret Meaning of Method Validation

    "Westgard Rules" and Levey-Jennings short course

    Everything you ever wanted to know - and were afraid to ask - is included in this online course. All the rules, combinations, and interpretations are included. Online graphing tools allow you to enter data and see the interpretation.

    Westgard QC, Inc. was the first company to offer accredited online courses through both the AACC and ASCLS. More than a thousand participants from over 30 countries have taken our online courses.

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October 20, 2013


Hassane Bayt

Really good news! In fact, all of us have to do so, and quality must be our most important issue. I in my own laboratory always remember to myself and others:
We are not to select “Cheep” between “Right” and “Cheap”; and also we are not to select “Easy” between “Right” and “Easy”. At first, we just have to try to select “Right” between “Right” and “Wrong”. Then if possible, we can try to make the “Right” be done cheaper and easier.
“If possible” means that making things being done cheaper and easier does not harm the “Rightness” of them.
Hassan Bayat’ DCLS
Sina Lab, Qaem-shahr (Iran)


I am a biochemist from government hospital in Malaysia. We had used your EZ Rules and we found it to be very helpful in strategizing the frequency of running quality control material. By calculating sigma metric for all our assay (by the way we were using Architect ci8200) we could convince the manufacturer to supply us with better performance method such as for creatinine and magnesium. After changing from jaffe and arzenazo method respectively to enzymatic method for both assay, we had reduced repeats, recalibrations and troubleshooting. We loved Architect for that.

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