Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
For anyone coming to the AACC/ASCLS meeting in Houston, there's a workshop devoted to the real-world impact of Six Sigma implementation. We talk a lot about QC design and Sigma-metrics on the website, but very few laboratories have been willing to share their implementation stories.
Dr. Joseph Litten has a workshop this year on Practical Applications of Sigma Metrics: Assay Quality and instruments Design. This workshop will describe how Dr. Litten used Sigma-metrics to select his instrument system, validate its performance, and optimize how he implements QC. He will also discuss the labor savings, consumable savings, and the improvements in reduced defects and failures that he experienced because of this process.
He will also be joined by Tony Orzechowski, the Director of R&D engineering for Abbott Diagnostics, who will discuss Six Sigma from a manufacturer's perspective. How do manufacturers develop world class assays that allow laboratories like Dr. Litten to make optimizations and savings? Tony will tell.
[Full disclosure: this workshop is sponsored by Abbott Diagnostics. Abbott Diagnostics is a consulting client of Westgard QC.]