Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
It's that time of year again. The annual madness of the AACC/ASCLS conference and laboratory exposition. Westgard QC was there in force, making a record number of appearances at booths, industry workshops, and short course workshops.
This year, we collectively saw several thousand people. And thanks to all who came to hear a lecture, get a book signed, or a photo taken, or who came to pose a question, offer an observation, or just share a story.

Dr. Barnalis Das, from India, with Dr. James O. Westgard. Dr. Das presented with Sten Westgard in Dehli and Mumbai earlier this year. At the conference, Dr. Das attended two of Dr. Westgard's workshops, and 1 of Sten Westgard's workshops. In other words, she won the Westgard trifecta!
Sometimes, business can be more like fun. The AACC and ASCLS convention is often like a big family reunion, where you meet up with people you've seen at different corners of the world. I saw several people whom I had seen when I visited their home countries, and this time they had come to the US.
Thanks to all for visiting us at AACC. And for those who weren't able to come, we hope to see you at a future conference.