Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
We live in an era of diminished resources, particularly in healthcare, particularly in the laboratory, and particularly for education and training. The training budgets for labs have been shrinking and shrinking over the years, even as the need for skilled technologists has increased.
Educational institutions have not been able to provide enough (high quality, lost cost) training to fill the need. So the manufacturers and vendors have stepped into this gap, supporting the educational needs of their customers.
Westgard Workshops 2011 could not have been mounted without the generous educational help of our gold sponsors, Bio-Rad Laboratories and Abbott Diagnostics. Randox Laboratories also stepped up and provided a premier sponsorship, which helped us immensely.
Dr. James Westgard, pictured here with representatives of the Premier Workshop Sponsor, Randox Laboratories. At Left, Vinay Naik, National Account Manager, who introduced the workshops. Also pictured here is Lynsey Adams, Scientific Writer.
After the break, you can hear the Westgard Workshops Introduction from Randox...
Below, Vinay Naik provides the introduction to the Westgard Workshops 2011: