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    Introduction to Risk Analysis

    New standards and guidelines for Quality are heading toward the lab, based on Risk Management principles. Learn all about them now.

    Quality Management and Design of Analytical Systems (An Introduction)

    Quality Planning and Design are part of a larger systems approach to analytical management. in this new six lesson course, participants will review current guidelines for quality and learn to use QC Design tools to customize their procedures and achieve the quality required by their tests.

    Basic QC Practices

    Our most popular course, covering the fundamentals of quality control in the laboratory.

    Basic Method Validation

    This course teaches all the experiments and calculations needed for a basic validation of a new instrument. Linearity, Reportable Range, Comparison of Methods, Correlation, Replication, Interference, Recovery, Detection Limit and Reference Range studies are explained and demonstrated. Educational online tools allow participants to enter data and view results immediately.

    Secrets of Method Validation Streaming Video course

    A short animated slide show, narrated by Dr. Westgard, explaining the Inner, Hidden, Deeper, Secret Meaning of Method Validation

    "Westgard Rules" and Levey-Jennings short course

    Everything you ever wanted to know - and were afraid to ask - is included in this online course. All the rules, combinations, and interpretations are included. Online graphing tools allow you to enter data and see the interpretation.

    Westgard QC, Inc. was the first company to offer accredited online courses through both the AACC and ASCLS. More than a thousand participants from over 30 countries have taken our online courses.

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July 28, 2009


Thomas Westgard

I am not an expert in this so please bear with me. Why must one choose either/or? It seems as though the clearly best option is to measure both at production stages and in total at the end. I'm currently building a wooden deck and we would be fools to put away the level, tape measure, and spacing tool mid-job. But it must also fit in total at the end too. Amateur carpenters rebel against the constant measuring but they either learn to do it or they hire someone who does. Seems like carpenters may work under more stringent QC standards than crime labs or doctors if I'm really understanding this debate.


"Too many labs, particularly in the US, have become de-skilled and de-sensitized to errors in their processes."

I don't think this is at all a problem particularly limited to the US.

Here in the UK, I'm yet to meet another Health Care Scientist who understands what a Power Function Curve is and why it's so important, let alone using different QC rules (properly) to ensure different Total Errors.

In fact, at a recent EQA user-group meeting, the audience of some 100 UK laboratory professionals were asked who uses Total Error in their labs. Not a single hand was raised.

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