Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
I think the best comparison I can make to the frenzy of the AACC/ASCLS convention is that it is like a movie production. You spend a great deal of effort in a short period of time around the same people, then abruptly, it's over and everyone goes their own way. It's quite intense and also a bit strange. There are people who live just a few miles from my home and office, but whom I only see when we travel halfway across the country to wherever the conference is.
So what happened? We heard science - and we'll report more on that. We heard gossip. We saw some big things happen (Rhoads software - now owned by Data Innovations). We met a lot of old friends. We missed some people and hope to see more next year in Anaheim.
Last but not least, we picked some Raffle winners...
- Brett Metzler of KSB Hospital in Dixon, IL won a new version of the Westgard QC hat (pictured at right)
- Marianne ST Leung of PathLab Hong Kong also won a new hat
- Clarice Baker of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, from Winnipeg, Canada won a new Westgard QC shirt
Our apologies to those who did not win. Good luck next year!
Note also these are the winners of the Live Raffle from the show. You still have time to enter (this week of July in 2009) the online raffle for all those who couldn't attend the show this year. Download something, buy something, or just send us an email, and you'll also get a chance to win a hat or shirt.