Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
One of the nice things about having attended the AACC/ASCLS meetings for more than a decade (for "the" Westgard, it's much more than that) is that you start to see the same people year after year. There are some lab people who live in the next town to mine, but I actually only see them when we travel across the country to wherever the annual workshop is. Sometimes, the meeting feels a lot like a reunion of old friends.
On many people's lips was the concern that attendance was down this year. The convention has definitely felt the impact of the economic downturn, but really, it is still crowded here. The booth was busy all day. People are still doing science. Hospitals and labs still need instruments and methods.
Tuesday morning, I gave a lecture on Sigma-metric analysis of the ARCHITECT chemistry and immunoassay methods [Full disclosure: I was compensated to make this presentation.] As part of this presentation, a white paper on Sigma metrics was distributed to the audience. With any luck, I'll have a link to that soon so anyone else can also view that document.