Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
I have been meaning to post this for some time. Our good friend and colleagues, Dietmar
Stöckl and Linda Thienpont, started their own website in the latter part of 2008: STT-Consulting
They've put together a good set of downloads and educational presentations. In particularly, there is a series of short slide sets that cover the following topics:
2. Metrology: Measurand
3. Metrology: Measurand 2
4. Metrology: Accuracy and More (VIM view)
5: Metrology: Accuracy and More 2 (Westgard view, along with a dash of Krouwer)
6. Metrology: Uncertainty
7. Standardization and Traceability: the Problem
8. Standardization and Traceability: the Solution
These slide sets use cartoons, short quips, and witty graphics to help explain these topics. Usually, a discussion of metrology and terminology is recommended to those who suffer insomnia. Dietmar makes these short, lively discussions. It helps if you can imagine his passionate delivery.
There are spreadsheet downloads as well, and information on what consulting services Dietmar and Linda provide. These are good people and the site is well worth your visit.