Posted by Sten Westgard, MS
One of our resolutions this year is to answer more questions and share more with the readers. So here's the first installment of our 2020 Questions. This question comes to us from South Africa.
- Regarding which target mean to use.
Q:We use manufacturer target mean values for our IQC measurements, by default. We often change to peer group means if we see a long-standing bias, which is good, but we hardly ever use our own mean value in the Levey-Jennings plot. As far as I understand, this is incorrect and we should ideally use our own cumulative mean whenever sufficient data is available. Is that true?
A: Ideally, build your charts with your own cumulative mean (see recommendation from CLSI C24). Using the package insert mean / target mean is an acceptable place to start, but if your data is significantly different than that mean, you will start generating errors on the charts where there are none.
- Regarding what IQC tells us.
Q: As I understand it, the IQC should be used to monitor imprecision and, perhaps, to pick up any trend in one or other direction away from our acknowledged bias (user mean)....In our lab, we comment on both bias and imprecision of our IQC results and people seem to believe that this bias is a bias compared to an accurate value for that material, whereas I think it is simply an additional bias compounded on our acknowledged method bias....As I understand, the 4s or 10s rules are not intended to pick up a stable “bias”, but rather a trend which may lead to increased (or decreased) bias on our method in the long run.
A: IQC tells us about both imprecision and inaccuracy. Some of the "Westgard Rules" are best at detecting random errors (example, 1:3s and R:4s). Other rules are better at detecting emerging systematic errors (2:2s, 4:1s, 10:x, etc). Certainly EQA/PT is more focused on the long-term and methodological biases that might exist. Ideally, we would like to know our bias from a reference method, reference material, which would represent a "true bias." Practical and financial obstacles usually prevent us from getting that. The bias that we see emerging in QC might be a temporary problem with calibration, instrument machinery, even reagent drift, all of these are important to catch.
- Regarding how to interpret flagged results.
Q: Because our choice of Westgard rules is suboptimal, many tests flag with clinically insignificant deviations. In the past, as clinically trained personnel, it fell to us to determine the clinical significance of the flagged result and make a comment. We would say “not clinically significant” if the deviation from the target value would not affect patient management. We have now been told that this comment is too vague and to rather check the TEa for the analyte and to make a comment “within TEa” if this is the case. I am concerned that this is not a valid application of TEa because the result is (theoretically) only telling us of the deviation of the current result away from our own running mean, but doesn’t include our method’s bias. For example, if an IQC measurement deviates from the target mean by 5% and the TEa for that analyte at that level is 8%, we would say “within TEa.” Whereas, in fact, if our method has a 5% bias in the same direction, then the TE is 10% and not within TEa. Is this correct? (I have used simple addition because I figured that I am adding two absolute error values to get the total error of one IQC measurement away from an accurate value.)
A: Selecting the right rules helps you detect the right errors. A traditional approach from years back was to apply "Westgard Rules" on every test, all the rules for all the controls. We no longer recommend that unless you are in a lab that does everything manually. If you have the tools, we encourage labs to determine the Sigma metric of their tests, which then allows you to design your QC: select only the rules necessary to detect a medically important error, only run the number of controls necessary to detect a medically important error, only run QC when it is helpful to detect a medically important error. In that way, you avoid applying rules that will catch "errors" that are not clinically significant.
For example, with an assay that performs at the Six Sigma level, the full "Westgard Rules" are not necessary. A simple 1:3s rule will suffice, and any violations of the other rules in that test don't have to be flagged or trouble-shooted. When applying this approach, we have been able to help some labs reduce their QC outliers by as much as 85%.
This is a bit more scientific than using a "not clinically relevant" text comment. It's also better than applying the TEa to the size of the error at any given moment.